Samsung just launched a sweet online campaign to promote it's supposed iPhone killer, the Samsung Instinct.
Love it. Hat tip Adverblog via whirledgital.
Tags: samsung instinct branded content youtube annotations giles rhys jones
Technology has fundamentally changed how brands and their audiences communicate, not just online but across all channels. Consequently interactive thinking needs to be at the heart of all marketing strategy and interactive channels at the heart of all marketing delivery.
Hey - - wanted to clarify something here…
The interactive youtube video shown above was not a part of the Sprint campaign. It was created by Toronto base Fjord Interactive Marketing + Technology for Samsung Canada…. Jst a coincidence that the US had a similar campaign running in parallel . . .
PS - Thanks for the good mention!!
Hi Giles.
Blast from the past -> Lizard King... where on earth did you dig that one up from? What's next? Warlock of Firetop Mountain?
Interesting though, the book format worked well and was a departure from serial adventure books and perhaps the first interactive print format for that generation - so exploring a similar methodology in video will be interesting to follow.
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