Steven Marrs – Nitro
Clark Kokich – Avenue A/Razorfish
Nick Law – R/GA
Torrence Boone – President Boston, Digitas
Nothing fundamentally new at all but interesting to see how they position themselves as the case studies they show:
We do everything/full service/agency for the digital age & everything is going to be digital/start with business problem/deliver service/enhance offering.
Best quote has to be: We need to go back to the age of Ogilvy and Bernbach, where they solved business problems not just (or ever) with a piece of communications but with a new product or service. Again echoes one of my own theories that Ogilvy would love what advertising has become.
Odd therefore that digital agencies percieve that they are best placed to deliver this, though they might be best placed to manage the overall relationship with the brand.
Tags: future of advertising trends
Indeed it was an interesting chat and I love the idea that the solution is not always a piece of communication.
But don’t you think it is first a client's problem?
Agencies most of the time deal with marketing or communication manager not with product manager or CEO.
Then, we also have a culture problem, generally our clients are conservatives (agencies staff too sometime), they are not taking risks and agencies often prefer advice the client in a way they'd like to hear it.
Somehow I think it will never change if the culture and the way agencies are paid stay the same. (I hope I’m wrong)
Do you think digital products can be built by digital agencies? If yes who are they? Today my feeling is that most of great digital products are built either by the client itself, start ups then acquired by the client or management consulting firm
Which digital agencies, for you, are the most focus on building digital products not messages?
"young people are often a bit crazy..."
I do believe that it is definitely taking a transition. I think the change will be in the form of honesty marketing, where advertising is appealing to people's hearts by being genuine with them, and not just trying to sell stuff.
Panel discussion on the future of advertising. The moderator started asking "what future for digital agencies if everyone does digital......
Nice discussion......
I think that it is absolutely taking a change. I think the modify will be in the form of truthfulness marketing, where advertising is attractive to people's heart by individual genuine with them, and not just trying to sell material to the people Public Relation Agency able to be gauged opportunity because as we know all the persons wants their industry not close by but globally. .PR companies have a assessable future surely.
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