Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Evolution 2.0 - Dove Onslaught

Another powerful video from our cousins at Ogilvy Vancouver. Following Evolution was always going to be tough but whereas this this is perhaps not as hard hitting, I believe it will actually stimulate more conversations of the sort required, between kids and their parents. Nice work.


Anonymous said...

In my opinion Giles, it is not as good as "Evolution", however, it is still a very good advert, which touches in a crucial point. If it gets people talking like the previous one, it's good enough for me.



Anonymous said...

I can see why you would say its perhaps not as visually hard hitting as evolution. However, this one is alot clearer about what you can DO as a result of feeling moved by what you see ie talk to your kids before the ad industry does, so on that level I think it works harder, if not better.

Btw - as a matter of interest, how does Ogilvy square away the fact that alot of the issues raised by the Dove campaign for real beauty have been created by the advertising very industry we all work in?
