Roger Stirling "No, bed is a replacement for whiskey sours. Or maybe the floor is a replacement. All depends on the amount of whiskey."
Good to see David Ogilvy getting in on the conversation trying to lure the characters to work at Ogilvy.
Also interesting to see the initial response from series owner AMC was to get Twitter to pull the feeds, then after a virtual ear bashing from fans, reinstate them. More here.
UPDATED: After reading D. Armano who found this from "We Are Sterling Cooper":
"Fan fiction. Brand hijacking. Copyright misuse. Sheer devotion. Call it what you will, but we call it the blurred line between content creators and content consumers, and it's not going away. We're your biggest fans, your die-hard proponents, and when your show gets cancelled we'll be among the first to pass around the petition. Talk to us. Befriend us. Engage us. But please, don't treat us like criminals.
This site exists to catalogue the conversation around AMC's Mad Men and its fanbase across the social web. But it's just the beginning. 'We are Sterling Cooper' is a rallying cry to brands and fans alike to come together and create together."
My Ogilvy twitter here aggregates all the Ogilvy blogs and digital Verge news.
Tags: mad men twitter david ogilvy giles rhys jones