Thursday, December 03, 2009

White Christmas Guaranteed

iPhone app from Ogilvy. Syncs with your camera and adds gently falling snow to any scene. Take a photo and send to confuse your friends.

Disproves the mantra - An app is for life not just Christmas.


Tuesday, December 01, 2009

More Virtual Bums

You wait ages for a virtual bum and then they all come at once. Love this online fashion tool from Fashionista too.

Does My Bum Look Big In This?

A range of different sized virtual women model a variety of underwear. KnickerPicker is the best online shopping experience I have seen in a while. Practical for chaps - my mrs is a cross between blonde #1 & brunette #2 - and women can actually see what their purchase might look like. I love the "get your own Virtual Underwear Catwalk" feature and the effect it might have on my dwell time scores...

Hmmm, I wonder if there is a market for, with a selection of string vest and saggy boxers.
